
WESTport Rex Model: 1500 Vest-Pocket Durometer

  • Ultra lightweight
  • Excellent for hard to reach places
  • Virtually unbreakable
  • Superior accuracy
  • Precision construction
  • Easy to read
  • Holds reading until reset
  • Furnished with a leather pouch
  • NIST Traceable

Size: .5" x 4.5"H
Weight: 1.5 oz.

This industry leader has been produced since the 1930's and was patented in 1947. The Model 1500 is still considered to be the best all around instrument of its kind. Many other manufacturers have attempted to copy the design but none can offer the quality of a WESTport Rex 1500. Its light weight and small size allow the user can carry it at all times. If the durometer is dropped; even if not in its leather carrying case, it will not be damaged or become inoperative 99 times out of 100. The gauge is so durable, the Model 1500 comes with a lifetime guarantee. The key to the gauge's durability is its sliding vernier scale- there are no cams, gears, or levers to wear out. This vernier scale holds the maximum reading, and is especially useful for testing in hard to reach areas. The vernier scale is marked in increments of 5 points and can obtain readings to within 1 point.

  • Ultra lightweight
  • Excellent for hard to reach places
  • Virtually unbreakable
  • Superior accuracy
  • Precision construction
  • Easy to read
  • Holds reading until reset
  • Furnished with a leather pouch
  • Portable
  • NIST Traceable

Size: .5" x 4.5"H Weight: 1.5 oz.